anyone interested in a dyno/tuning day with ATS?

Price is right I am there also... Whats the support like after the tune. I have had 3 dyno tunes and seems like after they dyno tune it there is no interest in doing anything else after....
Sh0ck3D said:
Price is right I am there also... Whats the support like after the tune. I have had 3 dyno tunes and seems like after they dyno tune it there is no interest in doing anything else after....

Long story short. I purchased my SCT II from a focus tuner and used it on my SVT focus. When I got the cobra I returned the focus stock and decided the cobra needed a tune worse. I spoke with Rick. He walked me through everything and I paid a flat fee for lifetime tuning on the car. I have had more than a few tunes changing little things like turning the T/C off or on along with other stuff. I have never had a problem. When we got the whipple on the first tune file got corrupted in the email and didnt work. He was on the dyno working on a car when I called and he dropped everything to talk to me again and send me another tune. Worked like a charm with no hastle at all. As you can tell the tune worked well for being fat and safe.
I need this..I need to call Linn and see if my price might be any cheaper ...but I am in for now
Amy is going to talk to the dyno shop for me. I am still working on getting things worked out on the other end. The day I was home with enough time to call before catching another train Linn was already out.

I think it will be a flat rate for Rick to tune as many vehicles as we bring no matter if we are already ATS customers or not but I am not for sure. I will be posting updates as much as possible as often as I can get them.

I just want to get as many people commited as I can before I do too much and I also want to get everyone as much advaced notice and input as to when we are going to do it as possible.
Joe is working on the dyno rental of the day. Other info I have is cost for tuning (no matter how long it take Rick to do your vehicle will be $150 per person. So your cost will be $150 for tuning and then the cost of the dyno rental, flight and hotel stay for Rick will be divided up between all individuals. I figure we need 10 to 12 cars to make it a cost effective and full day for everyone.

If everyone is interested and we get enough people I think we could all bring food and drinks if the dyno shop will let us grill out and make a full and fun day of it.
I think I may in for this. This is not a up the fuel and timing with a predator and call it a good tune right?
If its not Im in. Just need to know when cuz I work a strange work sched..
still working out a date with the dyno shop and with Rick. Once that gets worked out then I will need 10 to 12 people to be positive that they will get involved that way the divided cost of dyno rental and travel costs of getting RIck here wont sky rocket and leave some people in a pinch.
The dyno shop says these days typically run between $450 and $600 for the dyno depending on how many pulls are done.
thanks Joe. I am guessing 3-5 pulls per car depending on how many types of tune files you want and how hard it is for Rick to get things dialed in.

$600 for the dyno day rental divided by everyone
flight and hotel divided by everyone
$150 for the custom tuning each paid to Rick.

That is what we are looking at. I can get a hookup on a hotel for Rick but if anyone has a hookup on plane flights let us know.
It might be better to have everyone pay for their own dyno time. If one car takes 15 pulls to nail down, why should the guy who only needs 2 pulls pay extra? Individual pulls are something like $45 for the first three, then $5 each after that.
That is very true Joe. He wont do a flat rate for use of the dyno all day????

I will check with Linn. I have had a hard time getting in touch with Rick lately. He must be busy with all the nice weather they have been having lately.
I think he does do a flat rate, but it's usually better to pay by the pull. IIRC, it was $100/hr to rent the dyno. When you are just doing one car you can get a lot of pulls in an hour. If you can do more than one car in an hour it's cheaper to pay by the pull.