This is what happens if you use nitrous

although not nearly as video worthy...........a fellow NLOC member had his nitrous "belch" or backfire on him at blew his throttle body blade into this kind of shape ) and locked his throttle about 1/2 way open. Kinda' weird.........hasn't happened since. I think it is caused by fuel pooling in the intake on a "wet" system.
yuppers that is what i call a nitrous sneeze, leading up to the pass you can tell that bottle pressure was a problem as he kept purging the system to try and lower pressure in the system. so what happens is all of the nitrous is over pressureized and actually gives more of a shot then the car is jetted for and when there isnt enough fuel to mix with it goes back where it came from or the path of least resistance which is the intak or airfilter and blows up in a flame. and that is what blew the hood off fellas. looked like a carbed car so that makes it a little more violent. that is why wilso make there burst panes in their spacer plates and in their nitrous plates to help prevent engine damage.
Can anyone lay music over the video? I think it would be pretty funny if the back ground was a properly timed 'Pop goes the weasel'