Spingfield, Missouri


How can I Find out about auto-cross events in my area. I don't know anyone that is into it around here.
LIVIN said:
How can I Find out about auto-cross events in my area. I don't know anyone that is into it around here.

I did a quick search on the national SCCA site ( http://www.scca.org ) and found you are in the Midwest Division ( http://www.scca.org/interactive/regions.html#mwdiv ). You have a group right in your hometown. In fact, their next event is in 2 weeks. Here's the info from their web site:

Date: Mar 24
Region: OzMt (Ozark Mountain)
Location: Price Cutter Park
Contact: Sam Henry
Phone: 417-466-2474
web site: http://home.netcom.com/~prova/www/index.html

Hope this helps...Good Luck!