radius arm



found busted arm bushing other day pass. side.anyone already made the upgrades to theirs? interested in other than stock bushings.live in ILL.pothole capital of the world! D`S93
Originally posted by TLOAD:
found busted arm bushing other day pass. side.anyone already made the upgrades to theirs? interested in other than stock bushings.live in ILL.pothole capital of the world! D`S93

I have done the job twice. Once on my "L" with Energy Suspension replacements. And once on my friends "L" with red urethane replacements from AutoZone. And AutoZOne had them in stock! Its about a half a day job doing it by yourself. No re-alignment of the front end should be necessary. Good luck and e-mail back if you have any questions.
Thank You, Struckby/Ed
I did the same thing with the autozone bushings. They work great. The old bushing looked almost like a chemical got on it and ate the rubber, which turned it into gunk. It was a real easy job to do and yes, there should be no alignment problems.

Jason O'Keefe
Black '93