Psst, Ron . . .

My life in a nutshell . . .

- Work is hard but I love the co-workers and enviroment.
- I've lost 27lbs in 4 months. (Lots of exercise, lifting and the right diet)
- The girl I'm dating is confusing as hell but she's pretty damn cool.
- I'm going to keep the Xterra for a while. It makes the trips to the mountains for hiking and biking a breeze.
- Football season starts in two weeks. Yeehaw!

How about you guys?
What kicked you into gear? Must be the girl.

I am training for the Portland Marathon (10/3). Running 35-50 miles per week. Hitting the gym 3 days a week. Kicking my butt. Next adventure after the marathon is to summit Mt Hood. You interested?
Wasn't the girl, it was the fact I'm turning 30 on 10/9 . . . :eek:

Speaking of mountains. I hiked Mt. Aix in the S. Cascades this weekend. 12 miles round trip, 7700ft (4400ft gain), gorgeous views and some very, very sore legs. =)

I'm not sure I could tackle Hood yet . . .
30, big deal. I just hit 40 over the weekend. Just a young pup. Mt Hood is not that tough of climb. I plan to use a guide. Up and back same day.
10/9 - same b-day as my Dad, but he's almost twice your age, Flash :D

I've spoken to people that have done Hood before, doesn't sound too bad. Had a friend in college that did Rainier as a TRAINING climb! He headed for Denali (Mt. McKinley) right after graduation.

Mt. Aix sounds like a good time.