NLOC no longer accepting Checks as payment for membership


Former Lightning Owner - Server Admin
I Support the NLOC
As of this month NLOC is no longer accepting checks as payment for member ship. From here forward it will be paypal only. Ive removed the option from the Join Form.

You don’t have to have a PayPal account to use paypal to join, you can simply use PayPal to pay with credit card without signing up with a paypal account

From PayPal
Do my buyers need a PayPal account to pay me?
No. They can pay with their credit/debit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover) — all without having a PayPal account.

Its very difficult to keep up with and connect a check with a member and a forum name.

Often I have no way of tying a check to a forum username. And often I get emails with no real names or identifying information.

If a member does include their first and last name, the checks are drawn accounts who's names don’t match up to any member names. Wives girlfriends etc. Its just consuming too much time.

Thanks for your understanding.
