my 03 cobra build

Those are pretty hot looking. Everytime you buy new wheels I'm concerned that the ethnicity of your ancestors will come into question, but so far you've proven me wrong every time.
BTW, I put halloween pics
on my facebook page last night. You missed a helluva show. Several kids screamed and wouldn't come to the door and I think one little guy pissed all over the front of his Batman outfit.
German is what you are. I'm worried we'll find some African or Mexican in there somewhere.

jewish maybe but doubtful on others.

BTW, I put halloween pics
on my facebook page last night. You missed a helluva show. Several kids screamed and wouldn't come to the door and I think one little guy pissed all over the front of his Batman outfit.

JHC! its a good thing we dont live very close to eachother. Toss some up on your myspace! I dont have facebook and dont feel like doing it. I already have enough places to keep up with between car forums, myspace, etc.