Leaky Intercooler



While checking the fluid levels and generally inspecting the 99 lightning I just purchased, I noticed the intercooler resevoir was empty. Curses for not noticing it when it was still on the lot... Ah well, she's still under warranty...

After a big sigh, I filled up the resevoir and went truckin' all over the place for 150 miles knowing with all my heart that when I stopped the sucker would be down significantly, and sure enough, it is... Lost about half an inch below the cold fill line....

So... The question is, undoubtedly this has happened to other folks here in the DFW area, got any recommendations on a local dealership that's already dealt with the problem before and knows what they need to do?

I really don't feel like having to educate the service personnel...

Advice welcomed...

99 White Lightning
69 Cougar XR7
Bankston in Frisco has replaced both of mine and Silver_2000's also. They have done a great job on everything they have worked on for me.
Thanks Six... I caught a old thread of yours from last year over at f150online, I'll call them monday and see if they can prearrange things a wee bit...

Anyway, looks like I'm going to get up early and wander by the dyno run tomorrow to meet up with y'all...

99 White Lightning
69 Cougar XR7