KCIR closing


Starting a new thread about this. It's no rumor this time, KC Parks and Rec Council voted to buy the track for a park this week. But, there's been a LOT of backlash on this due to some lies and backdoor dealing that has come out since the meeting.

From the other thread:

It's all done but the paperwork. It was rammed thru in an "emergency" session without any chance for comments from the public. The track has been threatened with condemnation and Imminent Domain to force the sale. Track has been there since 1967, but wealthy landowners want to develop land near the track but couldn't as long as the track was there, i.e. Senator Claire McCaskill and the Kemper family (UMB bank owners). KC can't pay their bills, but they can sure buy a multi-million dollar property for a "park". Can you say "Bought and paid for crooked politicians" and "back door dealing"?

Remember the strip club on the corner? Nice area for a family park, huh?


More info:

Update on KCIR - KCSR - THE Kansas City Forum

Why Close KCIR Now? | Facebook

Councilwoman Cindy Circo has rammed this thru and been caught in a BIG LIE. Her facebook page had so many angry comments that it had to be essentially taken down. Now all you can find on her facebook is stuff from months ago - all the newer comments have been deleted. Keep an eye on the KC newspapers and TV news this w/e, there will probably be some fallout from all this.

You are urged to sign an online petition to keep it open here:

Petition: The MO State Senate: Please Don't Turn KCIR into a Park | Change.org
That really sucks Vern. I believe dragstrips are an endangered species all around the US. Some been there for many decades, once built out in the sticks and as people move out in the country overtime, begin slowly taking over the destiny of such places by pissing and moaning about the noise. Noise, mind you, that has been there for decades and there before those damn houses and homeowners were there. We lost Puyallup raceway to such politics back in the early eighties the same way. I wonder how many more years Bremerton and Pacific raceways have before they succumb to the same fate.:sigh: rant off. With that said you still have Heartland right??
Yes, HPT is still there. But I don't know if Vamp can go back there - it's just WAY expensive to rent for a local race series. I know what you're saying about losing tracks. Gateway and Memphis closed, now we hear that Gateway is gonna open next yr, but only for the NHRA weekend (so far). Now Tulsa just closed after a big renovation. I just really like KCIR, it's small, everybody knows each other, it hooks really well and it's such a historic track (since 1967).

I think the last-ditch efforts will ultimately fail, but it may cause some politicians in KC to loose their jobs (good thing IMHO).

But on the bright side for me, a new track is being built over toward Stl, which will only be an hour from my house. Ground has been broken, they have the backing of the locals and it looks promising, but it's a LONG way from an actual race track: Mid America Raceway Park
This smells like a dead rat. Looks like the rich F$#@ Tards on the hill finally got their way. :angry: This really sucks for me because KCIR was only 8 miles from my house. Now where am I gonna go next year when I start tuning my truck and start tinkering with the nitrous system on the L I just bought. I am not going all the way to Heartland to put in a few TnT passes. Maybe I will do it on the street in front of the Kempers or the other rich whiners on the hill. Maybe these people should be held responsible when some street racer causes some big horrific crash. Its gonna happen eventually. People, especially kids are gonna race. If not at the track then on our streets and highways.
Petition signed.......I cant understand how the city could condemn of take that property to build a stinking park. Its not like the property is run down or neglected. KCMO is basically broke and their schools have lost accreditation and are on the verge of being taken over by the state but they can spends millions of dollars doing this. I would think the residents of KCMO would rise up against this massive waste of their tax dollars. Vote Claire McCaskill out of office. She is worthless and thats the nicest thing I will say about her.
I agree, having a dragway is a good outlet for good clean fun, keeping racing off the streets,otherwise it will claim the lives of youngsters sooner than later.
Streetracing accidents occur now and again around here but really not like there use to be. Educating youngsters to pay their $20 and take it to the track is the safe way to the dragway.:eek:ldtu: