jump seats,mats



A little research and I may found a way to get 94-95 logo mats (obsolete) and upholstery for jump seats. If I could get the part # for the original seat covers or borrow a center seat we could have them made. I have found a couple of Eddie Bauer center seats also. Let me know the interest out there.....
I'm very interested, I thought about doing that too. My fellings are if you can find a 95/96 wrecked with the jump seat, than order the original material for the seat it would be perfect! I was tould by Ford dealers that I could build a stock one ("L" specs) piece by peice BUT it would run around $1000...
thats really expensive concidering the option was around $400 or so! I have a kid so I need the seat BAD!
I think you're gonna get a TON of interest in this subject.

I'd be interested in one of those Eddie Bauer center seats. I think you got the right idea - take a standard F150 center seat and recover it either with a new Lightning seat cover, else the original material from whatever source. My past research (about 6 months ago) has revealed that the striped fabric from the center of the bucket seats is still available, however, the dark gray outside fabric (which covers the entire original center seats) is no longer available. Thus, all of the aftermarket center seats come now in the striped fabric only. Now if you found a source for the dark gray fabric, that'd be awesome!

I've got a Full Effect seat in mine now. Nice part, looks good, but I'd still like to get an original for mine.....maybe I'm a bit anal retentive or something. So if you have a standard or EB seat, let me know, I'd be interested in buying it and recovering it...

- Kevin
I would be interested in another set of floor mats just to have for a spare set