incar vids from the Shelby SCR 9/8/12


I am Legend
Sorry about the crappy quaility, HTC android mounted on a GPS mount. The clicking noise before the burnout and launch is my OCD pumping up the clutch.

1st pass 10.984 @ 125.64 1.57 60ft
incar video 10.984 @ 125.64 - YouTube

2nd pass 11.135 @ 125.64 1.729 60ft spun let out rehit
incar video 11.135 @ 126.17 - YouTube

3rd pass 11.046 @ 126.06 1.674 60ft..came right back around lowered launch to 3500 and bogged.
incar video 11.046 @ 126.06 - YouTube

mods: 2013 TVS, VMP tune, C&L CAI, upper/lower control arms, Racestar bigs/littles, Lethal off oroad X, Magnaflow catback.