Ford Car Show, Cruise and BBQ *Northern California*


All you ford owners come out for a cruise show and BBQ. This will take place Saturday, October 16th. The BBQ spot will be Del Valle Regional Park in Livermore, CA. This is generally half way for everyone!

Where: Del Valle Regional Park

When: Saturday, October 16th
Time: 9am setup, 10am - sundown
Who: ALL of YOU
Cost: $6.00 to enter the park

Park Information:
Del Valle Regional Park | East Bay Regional Park District

IMPORTANT: WHen coming into the park, after paying at the Kiosk, you take the RIGHT fork in the road to get to the Parking lots!

Ill bring the TriTip!

I would suggest people from the 3 main Area's (Sac, Central Valley, and Bay area) start setting up spots to meet and cruise down to this place.

I will show up early and would appreciate a couple more people, so we can snag one of the upper parking lots to put all the cars in. This place will be good for the family as well, as they have swimming and fishing and what not.

If you are gonna be able to make it, let us know and we will get a list going.
Would like to get more Gen1 and Gen2 trucks out there!