Drag Racing Question


I will be more than likely attending the Lightning Fest this year and registering for the Street Lightning class but I do have a question about the drag racing. My brother, who I will be staying with for the event lives about 5 minutes from the track and he just purchased a 2004 cobra. I understand this is a Lightning event but during the test and tune on Friday would he be allowed to do a couple of passes against me in his cobra? It would be kinda of neat to line up against him when I'm out there. Thanks
I think the Grudge Racing was open before to all comers? If not, maybe that's something to consider. Have them pay a gate fee and get teched and be able to run during Grudge passes?
There is NO Friday night racing at KCIR on the 23rd unless we decide to have LF run late.

There is NO OPEN drag racing at KCIR on the weekend of 23-25 September.

The only racing at KCIR on the 23-25 is during the day and is run by NLOC and LightningFest.
The reason is that we do not want non-LF people around the trucks, is many people leave their trucks and equipment at the track. It is an attempt to keep our stuff safe. The track wants to have their regular Friday night drags, but we told them no.

If those that are participating in the event do not care about strangers (non-participants) wandering around your parked trucks, just let us know. We will then contact the track and tell them that they can have the Friday night drags?!
i kind of see what you are doing by not letting strangers into this but what about friends of ours, they arent exactly strangers. i do like the idea of keeping the general public out of there though.
We can't have it both ways. We, LightningFest, are not having drags at night. Therefore if there are Friday night drags, they will be run by the track owner. We expressly told the track no drags, that were not ours, due to security concerns.

All we need is one truck to be vandalized, or a set of extra tires stolen or....
To all those that wanted Friday night racing, in another post we stated that the track will have their normal Friday night event. We could not afford to buy it out and the track will provide extra security to secure our vehicles. The track will also allow all of our participants to race at no charge on Friday night.