

Hey all,

Sorry my first post on this forum has to be about this, but... My wife and I are getting a divorce. I'm up here in Hawaii, with the 25th ID. Anyone know what I need to do?

I've never got a divorce before. *laughs* Don't know if I just go to legal, get some paperwork, sign it, and turn it back in or what...

Thanks for any help.
I don't think legal can do anything for you. You will have to contact a lawer. In New Mexico, they have what is known as a do it yourself divorce that if you and your wife wants the divorce then it is only like 150.00 and you have a bunch of paperwork to fill out. But base legal isn't supposed to do much with civil law.
If you and your soon to be "Ex" aren't on the best of terms, I would suggest getting a real lawyer. It cost me $2500. But I found fees anywhere from $750 to $3000 when I was calling around. It may seem like a lot of money, but I didn't have to do a single thing, including showing up to court; and that guy went to bat for me BIG TIME.
This might sound like something everyone thinks of, but remember to change your W-2's to 0 dependants.....When I got the big D about 6 years ago, I forgot to change mine and really had to pay out the A$$ when I did my taxes that next year. Legal is only good for looking over your legal documents.....dosen't hurt for them to give your divorce decree the once over to make sure your not getting screwed without knowing about it til it's too late. If you and the soon to be ex are or can be on relatively good terms, it makes life much easier....believe me!!!! My ex and I are on great terms considering we are divorced.....
get a lawyer. It does not matter what terms you and your soon to ex wife are at. It will cost you more now, but later on it will pay off. Remember, look out for yourself, your ex surely isn't.