DelValLO Summer Bash June 21st

Pick a date. Whoever can come will. No single date will be good for everybody.

I will try to come. But I have just taken on Hall Manager responsibility for my social club. Previous manager quit Thursday. Parties booked all Summer, so my availability has just become limited.

Not that it matters, but I can't make july 5th, we have the race @ Cecil. At this point, it looks to me that a date has to be picked. Whomever can make it will and those who can't, won't. The summer is here and not everyone is going to be pleased with the date. Weekends fill up fast and this GTG has become sort of a last minute thing.
Paul, I feel your pain and Frustration ... I rather have No party than one that only a few show up at and are disappointed that they even came. Less than a month planning is not all that much time. Personally ,, I would scrap the plan and look into a party AUG. or SEPT. This is my 02 cents worth of advise..
Unfortunately there hasn't been enough feedback for me to make a commitment to July 5th. I have a very hectic schedule right now and to commit to this project, I'd need to know more than 5 people would show up. Sorry, maybe August or September?
Quaker Steak & Lube in Brick NJ a bunch of us are meeting up this Sunday. They have a car show there every Sunday 12-3. This week we should have a good L/HD showing. Since the bash didn't pan out, anyone looking for something to do should make it out.

And for you guys who live in the Vineland area bubble that never travel outside that area other than Atco, make the drive up for once lol. The rest of us always travel down there for the bashes, it's your guys turn to drive up here for a GTG!
how many trucks did we have last year?

Uncle Frank and Redrum if you count them

We should have the biggest showing, especially since we are the closest