Coming home...

hey yall, i got a favor to ask. i have been given a projected date of the 15th of may to start my flights home from iraq, so pray, cross your fingers, burn some rubber, win a race, anything you do for good luck for me! if i start my flight home bye then i will be headed up to NJ to pick up my truck and be back in town at the end of the weekend. thanks guys look forward to seeing you :bd: cant wait for some of these!
Dont get channel fever in the home stretch, make sure you stay on your game and do the things that have kept you safe so far !!!
hahah i will but the excitement is KILLLING me hahah thanks guys keep your fingers crossed!, and do a big long burn out, if you can afford the tires of course i know how that goes!
My bro was there as part of the occupying force - never forget seeing him get off that bus, I'll toast them to the chords for you, welcome home LOL
lookin4alight said:
hey yall, i got a favor to ask. i have been given a projected date of the 15th of may to start my flights home from iraq, so pray, cross your fingers, burn some rubber, win a race, anything you do for good luck for me! if i start my flight home bye then i will be headed up to NJ to pick up my truck and be back in town at the end of the weekend. thanks guys look forward to seeing you :bd: cant wait for some of these!

I may be up that way on the 20th, just so happens to be Armed Forces Day. I'm sure you'll be tied up with family and all, but if not I'd be more than happy to supply the beer.
captain, i have to go to fort campbell, ky when i first gethome to clear but im hoping to catch up with you guys end of may early june thats when im going up to get the truck, have a god one guys see you all soon