Getting the Red/Black 93 Back on the Road?

I don't think they've made them in many years. I want to say it was around $700 painted back in the 90's!
Man I wish I had kept my bed cover like that.

Always been the one I wanted.

Chuck, at first glance, I thought you had a crooked sticker on the back window above the NLOC decal, I was thinking, "Man, that's not like him at all", and then I realized it was the reflection of the gas pump. :ROFLMAO:
Thanks man! They always look a bit better in pics than real-life but she does look good for a 30-year-old truck.
My old cover got a crack while sitting in storage. Back then I was renting and didn't have any real storage. I tossed it and never replaced it. That was 1998 and I could have got one at anytime. They were right at $700.
I'm gonna get 1 fabricated maybe next year

I had a check mate long ago

If truck isn't garage kept they eventually will absorb water
And get heavy
Yea mine got water in it and cracked. Brent made that aluminum cover on the red truck he had. It looked real good.
Innovate (Autometer) replaced my WBO2 gauge for free 2 years after I bought it! The shop that held the truck for over 2 years wired the gauge to the hot side of the relay and fried it. Autometer figured that out and still replaced it, free! Of course it came back right after I put the interior back together, lol.

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