They're baaaack.....


3rd engine in 50 miles!!!
I Support the NLOC
Thats right, the MiLOC site is back up!!!!! The forum is up at (like it used to be) and I am working on the home page still, might put in a portal in the future, who knows? See ya there!
Are you using Firefox or something similar? I have noticed that as well, usually closing the browser, reopening it seems to work.
still screwed up on my end using IE. it logged in but i get a white background and none of the links work.
Same here.... all links go back to the index. After I signed in, I wanted to change my password, but all I get is the index.
I get the same thing, I log in. Leave the site, then come back and everything is working fine.

Using IE 7... whatever the latest version is.
PFA said:
Same here.... all links go back to the index. After I signed in, I wanted to change my password, but all I get is the index.

sign in then hit the back button.
95_LGT_150 said:
it still wont let me on chuck ... it says my name is invalid
Looks like you have a t in flash instead of h. whiteFlas t .Try reregestering.