southern truck shootout!


just a regular f150!
any other non-lightning owners plan to attend? I know there aren't many of you in here. I hope the weather is cold.I would like to knock off some 12.4x's on motor and maybe some 11.5x's on a 100 shot!
Truck shootout? Thats is unheard of around here lol. Maybe mustang, late model hemi or LSX shootout but none just for trucks.
this is a first as far as being an organized event here in the south! there are ALOT of trucks running the backroads though! its been that way around here since the late eighties,early nineties!I bet atleast half the streetracing around here is trucks!
Thats sweet. Except for a few s10s rolling around its all late models with a few Malibus and Fox bodies mixed in. No full size trucks really even at the track. Just my house lol.