My first kill :)


Forged of Steel!
Wow a Honda taken down by a hog lol

Was sitting at a light when a well over the border pulled up next to me in a riced out Honda friggen blarring his music....What ever it was I couldnt understand I turn up the good old custom stereo and Boomed his crap so whe the light turned green he had the nerv to rev, i couldnt help it and puched the monster and took him...ha ha ha ha ha ha yea there went a quarter tank of gas.... :D

I should of just turned the wheel to the left and ran him over, would of saved some gas...:D
Stewart said:
Picking on the poor and unfortunate now eh, Craig?

Cut him some slack, he's doing better. I saw him punk'n a little boy on his power wheels the other day. The boy had the lead but Craig cheated and ran over him.
]l-l[avoksDream said:
Cut him some slack, he's doing better. I saw him punk'n a little boy on his power wheels the other day. The boy had the lead but Craig cheated and ran over him.

Good goin', Craig.

The other night in K.C. Marg & I were cruisin' with the L, with its bed full of wheels, tires, awning, etc. and some guy in a mid-size Dodge truck revs past us. Of course, we had a car right in front. Well, when he pulls over in front of the car leaving a lane open, we fill it. Red light just ahead, so we be cool & cruise to the light. We get there at the same time. I have the L foot on the brake, the R foot gettin' some revs, and ...and...and he turns right! Easiest race I ever won!

A couple of days later, same place, a young cowboy races up to us in his F-150. Took one look and the front fender and dropped WAY back.:D :D

Still, its good to be home.