Identifying/Diagnosing Failed ECU Component(s)?


Active member
I'm trying to assist and fellow Nissan owner in tracking down an automotive system affected by a failed component with his ECU.

Here's the fried component circled in red ...


And here's a closer look ...


Do any of you guys know of a service available or of a technique that would allow for the identification of the affected systems and/or the identification of the failed component?

The guy says that with the ECU installed, there are no DTCs generated and no outward drive-ability issues created by this fried piece.
can you read enough id letters/numbers off of it or wipe over it to gently clean the surface so that it may be more legible? if so, maybe a search using the letters/numbers will turn up something.
i'm not an electronics guy, but i've had favorable results sometimes using info like that and doing searches. sometimes something will pop up.