HALO Forum



What's wrong with our personal forum? Haven't been able to log on to it for 2 days.

Went to transfer my domain name from internic to register.com and now neither one seems to know what happened to it.

I hope to have a work-around by tomorrow afternoon. Sorry to all for the trouble.
Thanks Nathan for your help.

You Da Man!
in the fast moving realm we call Telecommunications.....these type of issues happen...I am knee deep into alligators about to participate in the turning up of a major telephone/data network facilities based....GPS Satellite Clock and all....anyone want a tour in DLLCTXSU just let me know! CLLI code...lol Cisco Router increased latency today ova at Sprint FW......BIP Mod questionable...my peering point to MAE WEST....Get that?

[This message has been edited by 5.4 Muscle (edited 06-30-2001).]
Some of it, yes. And why would you want to peer at any of the MAE interconnects anyway? They are slow and overloaded. You're better off with a lot of private connections to the major carriers. (Unless of course you are a major carrier). Anyway, the forums should be up now at www.haloclub.com/forums

[This message has been edited by Nathan (edited 06-30-2001).]
The answer is we are a major carrier. The company is big east of here.
Is the Halo personal forum down again?
or did the address change?
I keep getting..can't find address...message

2001 Red Lightning
(stock) for now! :)
Hey guys...Thanks!
I'm registered there now too!

2001 Red Lightning
(stock) for now! :)