Fun Day @ Spookfest 2015

Johnny AC

Smokin' Da Competition
A BIG THANKS goes out to Dave London & all the others who helped set up the 2015 Spookfest @ Atco. I raced my truck for the 1st time in a couple of years and had a great time. Even though I only ran my street tune setup, I still thought I did pretty good running three 11.0's & three 11.1's. The best part was just seeing all the cool peeps and chewing the fat about all the latest upgrades that us motorheads like to do. Thanks a ton Dave, you Rock !!! :tu
It was a great day for me, too. I didn't get a chance to talk to everyone as much as I wanted to, but Dang! I wanted to race and was chomping at the bit. Congrats to Gregg for a fantastic 10, and to Tommy for an 11.3 that means a lot to me as you are always setting goals for me, from that first 13.09 three years ago to this past race. It was great to see new combo's like Jimmy Dolan's Yetti and Ralph setting killer numbers! I'll be there next year even if I'm still the slowest toad out there. My goal is to beat Gator's pass number, waste a pair of DR's and make an 11 something in the process. lol
Most of all, Thanks to Dave London for doing all the details and keeping the Lightning excitement going.
That sounds like one he77 of an idea!! I can get the three of them in the crew cab hopefully be dragging the L behind it!
Thanks Dave!! Another great event as always. Weather and food were both great as always. 3 out of the six of us made personal bests that day. My buddy in his Gn got well into the 8s. My dad in his 70 cougar went mid 10s and I got the red truck down to 10.16 & a 10.12... Good times, THANKS!!!

Anyone have any pictures??
Thanks Jim. He got me off the light both times.
Are you making a separate thread with pictures??
even though for the first time I didn't have my truck ready to race Spookfest, I still had a great time hanging out, watching, and seeing everybody. Weather was great, and the racing was even better!

Thanks again for coordinating this whole thing Dave!