FordFest Sept 17 KCIR


FordFest was cancelled last year by the sponsors, Mid-American Cobra Club. But it's on track this year for Sat, Sept 17.

Midwest Ford Fest - Home Page

Pre-registration till Sept 5, fee $30-$50 to race, depending on class. Show participant is $30, spectators/crew members $10.

It will also be a Twister Special Reunion and Dominator Reunion, so it should be a good show.

Bad news is it's the same day as Vamp at Heartland Park. But, since I'm not racing for points this year in Vamp, I'll be at FordFest. If there is some interest, then we'll just plan to stay over and meet up after the race and show is over.

Who's up for it?
Dave, that would be awesome!

Since I've missed just about all of the events this summer, I'm really looking forward to this.
If you are going to put your stuff in the car show beware the Cobra club will get all of the top 25 awards least that has been the biggest complaint I have heard from people going in the past. But the do have awards for each class but it is a best in class type thing only.

Just a little FYI I have heard from people I have meet at other events.

But I was thinking about going out so let me know if you guys go.
having both will depend on if marks road is repaired--if it is then i mite have the L in his shop---but am planning on having BIG RED there
Shawn, you know me - I'm not really a show guy. I'll probably enter the L in the Modified Street class - best package wins, so if I can cut a decent light, I'll be right there.

Or I'll just have a good time seeing the show (the Cobras are always a good show when they get on the track - major traction issues), and meeting up with you guys.
As of 1:30pm Fri, Vamp at HPT is cancelled due to rain but FordFest at KCIR is still on, with a 30% chance of rain later in the day. Now I'm off to the car wash.

Ok, now it's up to 40% during the day, then 60% starting about 8pm.
Was going to just drive it up but since it is going to rain, I decided to clean it and put it in the trailer just so I'm ready. ;)