Columbus Spring Swap

We will be there.Set up in the celeste center.We usually have the same spaces every year.

Greg Thomas

The Pony Pasture
7395 Blain Hwy
Chillicothe,OH 45601

specializing in 79-93 Mustangs and 79-86 Mercury Capri New and Used parts
We deal with
UPR products and Late Model Restoration
I was there for a little while Sun.I picked up some parts for the old Greenstang.I just didn't hang around too long.I had planned on going Sat. but the fair weather found me on a Southern Ohio hillside trying to scavange 67 Must parts.I didn't find much they were just about picked clean.
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I found a complete aluminum grill for my 1967 step side, as well as, a later model MS w/ booster, and radiator.

I've been a little busy lately so I haven't been on here much.I would have liked to look around more but I got most of the front end parts for the 67 Stang so I spent some bucks and that's a measure of progress isn't it?I hope to get some time to make a T&T date at a drag strip with the 95.