2002 Venues & Auto-X driving schools



Any of you who live in the midwest care to come over to the Kansas City area during the upcoming season, we will be having a few events at Royals stadium. It's a pretty large lot (approx 15 acres) that normally favors higher horsepower vehicles.

Also, Evolution driving schools will be having two separate AutoCross (Phase I & Phase II) schools fairly close. 1st one is in Salina KS on April 20 & 21st.
Contact info:
SRSCCA (Salina Region SCCA)
Rob Pickrell (brnrubr@alltel.net)
PO Box 943
Salina, Ks. 67402
785-827-3681 days, 785-827-0300 eve

2nd round in in St. Louis on May 3rd & 4th.
Contact info:
G.L. Crump, Treasurer, Solo II
St. Louis Region SCCA
P.O. Box 429
St. Charles, MO 63302-0429
636-946-4260 (evenings best)
636-916-0413 (fax)

If you need more info on Evolution driving school(s), here's the link:


I have no affiliation with any of the above organizations (although I will be an SCCA member for 2002).



NLOC #307
12.93 @ 106.50

2001 KCIR Fun Ford Weekend
Lightning Class Winner

2001 Crown Autocross Club
E Street Prepared Champion
I did a Phase 1 of an Evolution School last year -- well worth the price. One of my instructors was a friend of mine who has given me pointers for free, and I still think it was worth it.
If anybody has played Grand Turismo, you get sector times like in GT over a little 30-second course. Very beneficial -- you get to see how you progress throughout the day.

I'm doing a Phase 2 next month.

'00 Lightning, #981
'91 Sentra SE-R, SCCA/NASA racecar
Blackshirt Racing